I'm proud to be a celebrants scotland Wedding officer
Discover my love for connecting with people and creating memories as a wedding officiant and for all other life events

Discover my love for connecting with people and creating memories as a wedding officiant and for all other life events
Hello and I extend a very warm welcome and thanks for popping by!!
I am Susan Miller and I'm the proud co-owner and marriage officer of "Celebrants Scotland" along with Celebrant Andy McWilliam. https://amcelebrant.co.uk/
It is such a privilege to be a wedding Celebrant, a funeral and civil celebrant for all the life moments we encounter. I take great care to create unique, personal Ceremonies to help you mark all those important days in our lives.
Check out my video, then lets meet!
Take your time, look around my website and check out what I can do for you as your Scotland Wedding Celebrant and wedding officiant. Check out pics and my own pics to see what I get up to in my life around East Kilbride and further afield!!
Copyright © 2025 Susan Miller Scottish Wedding Celebrant at Blossom Tree Ceremonies - All Rights Reserved.